Raising Quail | Yeggs.htm | QuailCare | BuyNow


Incubating Chicks

It is most convenient and simple to incubate the chicks in an incubator.  The temperature is controlled at a constant 100-101 degrees.  This is very important.  Even at 98 degrees the chicks may not live.  They also need the humidity or the eggs will dry out.

Hatch the Chicks

Pharoah Quail will hatch after 18-21 days.  They can be removed from the incubator into a clean box with food and water.   Decrease the temperature by 5 degrees each week.  At 6 weeks the will be adult and start laying eggs.


Watch the temperature

Chicks will enjoy a temperature of 95  degrees in the first week.  Use an electric heat lamp.

Clean water and food are required.

Be sure and keep the cage cleaned up.  It probably will be necessary to dose them with piperazine frome time-to-time so that they do not become infested with parasites.

Please send us an e-mail for any questions. postmaster@rainyroad.mysite.com

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